Along a sun drenched coastline, to the extreme south west of the Indian peninsula, lies Kerala, beautiful and benign. Flanked by the Arabian sea on the west and the mountains of the Western Ghats on the east, this land of Parasurama stretch north-south along a coast line of 580 kms with a varying width of 35 to 120 kms. Cascading delicately down the hills to the golden coasts covered by verdant coconut groves, the topography and physical characteristics change distinctly from east to west.
Kerala Government Web portalIn order to ensure the welfare of the Non Resident Keralites, redress their grievances and safeguard their rights that NORKA, the Non Resident Keralites Affairs Department was set up by the Government of Kerala in 1996. Since then, NORKA has been playing a vital role in the lives of NRKs, supporting them in times of need and lending them a helping hand in every possible means
Norka-Roots is the field agency of the Department of NORKA, set up in 2002. It acts as an interface between the Non-Resident Keralites and the Government of Kerala and a forum for addressing the NRKs’ problems, safeguarding their rights and rehabilitating the returnees.
Norka- RootsThe Act ensures the welfare of non-resident Keralites by providing for the constitution of a Welfare Fund on the basis of a Non-Resident Keralites’ Welfare Scheme to grant relief, pension, and other benefits to them and to promote companies or co-operative societies or societies or other institutions of non-resident Keralites for their welfare.
Pravasi welfare fund
Norka Search
Global NRK Meet 2011
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